
编辑:杨爱芬 时间:2024-02-28 访问次数:468


丛羽生,男,博士, 1963年11月出生于吉林。杭州师范大学基础医学院教授,博士生导师,浙江省衰老与癌变生物学重点实验室主任。


电话: 0571-2886-1693

Email: yscong@hznu.edu.cn






所从事的专业为细胞生物学。本实验室总体目标是通过对细胞衰老及无限增殖化的分子机理、端粒酶生物学功能等基础分子细胞生物学研究,探索正常人体细胞从年轻到衰老以及无限增殖化过程的分子生物学基础。对细胞衰老分子机制;端粒酶活性调节机制及生物学功能进行了系统研究。近期实验室系统开展了新型蛋白质类泛素化修饰(UFM1修饰)研究。在Nature Cell Biology, Nature CommunicationsNuclei Acids ResAging CellEMBO Reports发表SCI论文70余篇。主持科技部国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)课题, 国家自然科研基金重点项目以及面上等项目。 担任Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 杂志Associate Editor, Genome Instability & Disease杂志编委等。






代表性论著(* corresponding author)

[1] Qian Liang, Yaqi Jin, Junzhi Zhou, Shiwen Xu, Jian Mao, Xiaohe Ma, Miao Wang and Yu-Sheng Cong* (2022). Human UFSP1 is an active UFM1-specific protease, Journal of Biological Chemistry. 298(6):102016. doi: 10.1016/j.jbc.2022.102016. Epub 2022 May 5, Selected as Editor’s Picks; EDITORS’ PICK HIGHLIGHT by Lin et al, J. Biol. Chem. (2022) 298(10) 102431.

[2] Jian Mao, Qian Zhang, Yaxiang Wang, Yang Zhuang, Lu Xu, Xiaohe Ma, Di Guan, Junzhi Zhou, Jiang Liu, Xiaoying Wu, Qian Liang, Miao Wang, Yu-Sheng Cong* (2022). TERT activates endogenous retroviruses contributing to immunosuppressive tumour microenvironment. EMBO Reports. 2022 Feb 2;e52984. doi: 10.15252/embr.202152984

[3] Junzhi Zhou, Xiaohe Ma, Lu Xu, Qian Liang, Jian Mao, Jiang Liu, Miao Wang, Jiao Yuan, Yu-sheng Cong* (2021). Genomic profiling of the UFMylation family genes identifies UFSP2 as a potential tumor suppressor in colon cancer. Clinical and Translational Medicine. 2021;11:e642

[4] Jiang Liu, Di Guan, Maogong Dong, Jingjing Yang, Haibin Wei, Lizhi Song, Lu Xu, Junjie Bai, Cui Liu, Jian Mao, Qian Liang, Qian Zhang Xiaoying Wu, Miao Wang, Yu-Sheng Cong* (2020). Ufmylation maintains tumor suppressor p53 stability by antagonizing its ubiquitination. Nature Cell Biology, 22:1056–1063

[5] Qian Zhang, Ning Liu, Junjie Bai, Qi Zhou, Jian Mao, Lu Xu, Jiang Liu, Haibin Wei, Chengcheng Ren, Xiaoying Wu, Miao Wang, Bin Zhao, and Yu-Sheng Cong* (2020). Human telomerase reverse transcriptase is a novel target of Hippo-YAP pathway, FASEB Journal 34(3):4178-4188.

[6] Liu J, Wang Y, Song L, Zeng L, Yi W, Liu T, Chen H, Wang M, Ju Z*, Cong YS* (2017). A critical role of DDRGK1 in endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis via regulation of IRE1α stability. Nature Communications; 8:14186. doi: 10.1038/ncomms14186.

[7] Liu N, Ding D, Hao W, Yang F, Wu X, Wang M, Xu X, Ju Z, Liu JP, Song Z, Shay JW, Guo Y, Cong YS* (2016). hTERT promotes tumor angiogenesis by activation of VEGF through interaction with the Sp1 transcription factor. Nucleic Acids Res. 44:8693-8703.

[8] Zhou J, Mao B, Zhou Q, Ding D, Wang M, Guo P, Gao Y, Shay JW, Yuan Z, Cong YS* (2014) Endoplasmic reticulum stress activates telomerase. Aging Cell, 13:197–200

[9] Ding D, Xi P, Zhou J, Wang M, Cong YS* (2013) Human telomerase reverse transcriptase regulates MMP expression independent of telomerase activity via NF-κB-dependent transcription. FASEB Journal, (11):4375-83

[10] Bai L, Deng X, Li J, Wang M, Li Q, An W, A D, Cong YS* (2011) Regulation of cellular senescence by an essential caveolae component PTRF/Cavin-1. Cell Research 21:1088-1101