
编辑:基础医学院 时间:2024-02-28 访问次数:613


李唐亮,男,博士,硕士研究生导师。李唐亮博士实验室工作聚焦于DNA损伤修复通路和转录组质量控制机制在哺乳动物组织器官发育和稳态维持中功能和分子机制。近期研究成果揭示了:DNA损伤修复分子Nbs1在哺乳动物胸腺发育和淋巴细胞瘤发生中的功能和分子机制;端粒复制性衰老的表观遗传学调控;RNA质量控制机制调控胚胎干细胞自我更新和分化的分子机制。相关成果发表于国际著名期刊EMBO Journal、EMBO Reports、Nucleic Acids Research等。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目两项,科技部干细胞与转化重大专项子课题一项、省部级项目两项。








1. Chen Y, Sun J, Ju Z, Wang ZQ, Li T*. Nbs1-mediated DNA damage repair pathway regulates hematopoietic stem cell development and embryonic hematopoiesis. Cell Proliferation, 2021, In Press.

2. Zhou ZW, Kirtay M, Schneble N, Yakoub G, Ding M, Rüdiger T, Siniuk K, Lu R, Jiang YN, Li T, Kaether C, Barzilai A, Wang ZQ. NBS1 interacts with Notch signaling in neuronal homeostasis. Nucleic Acids Res. 48(19):10924-10939 (2020).

3. Diao D#, Wang H#, Li T# (co-1st), et al. Telomeric epigenetic response mediated by Gadd45a regulates stem cell aging and lifespan. EMBO Rep. 19: e45494 (2018).

4. Han X, Wei Y, Wang H, Wang F, Ju ZY, Li T*. Nonsense mediated mRNA decay: a ‘nonsense’ pathway makes sense in stem cell biology. Nucleic Acids Res. 46 (3), 1038–1051 (2018).

5. Li T*, Zhou ZW, Ju Z, Wang ZQ. DNA damage response in hematopoietic stem cell ageing. Genom Proteom Bioinf. 14 (3): 147-154 (2016). (Invited Review)

6. Li T, Shi Y, Wang P, Guachalla LM, Sun B, Joerss T, Chen YS, Groth M, Krueger A, Platzer M, Yang YG, Rudolph KL, Wang ZQ. Smg6/Est1 licenses embryonic stem cell differentiation via nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. EMBO J. 34:1630-1647 (2015). (Highlighted in Lou et al. EMBO J, 34: 1606-1608.)

7. Li T, Wang ZQ. Point mutation at the Nbs1 Threonine 278 site does not affect mouse development, but compromises the Chk2 and Smc1 phosphorylation after DNA damage. Mech Ageing Dev. 132(8-9):382-8 (2011).

8. Saidi A#, Li T# (Co-1st), et al. Dual functions of Nbs1 in the repair of DNA breaks and proliferation ensure proper V(D)J recombination and T-cell development. Mol Cell Biol. 30(23):5572-81 (2010).