
Associate Professors

Bing Liu

发布时间 : 2021-12-02

Associate Professor

School of MedicineHangzhou Normal University

Email: bingliu@hznu.edu.cn

Tel: 0571-2886-5671

Education and Work Experience

2021- Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Hangzhou Normal University;

2019-2021 Postdoctoral Fellow, Rudolf-Virchow-Zentrum, Universität Würzburg and Universitätsklinikum Würzburg, Germany;

2018-2019 Postdoctoral Fellow, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain;

2013-2018 Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain;

2010-2013 M.E. in Biological Engineering at East China University of Science and Technology, China;

2006-2010 B.S. in Biological Technology, East China University of Science and Technology, China.

Research Interest

Biological macromolecules, particularly proteins and nucleic acids, perform their functions based on the specific three-dimensional structures. We focus on the structure and functional characterization of important macromolecules, such as disease related enzymes in ubiquitin and SUMO pathways, by using X-ray crystallography, Cryo-EM, as well as other biophysical and biochemical methods. Our aim is to mechanistically understand macromolecules functions and accelerate the pharmaceutical drug discovery.

Publications (* corresponding author)

1.   Nair, R. M., Seenivasan, A., Liu, B., Chen, D., Lowe, E. D., & Lorenz, S. (2021). Reconstitution and Structural Analysis of a HECT Ligase-Ubiquitin Complex via an Activity-Based Probe. ACS chemical biology, 16(9), 1615-1621.

2.   Zhang, J.#, Liu, B.#, Gu, D.#, Hao, Y., Chen, M., Ma, Y., ... & Wang, Q. (2021). Binding site profiles and N-terminal minor groove interactions of the master quorum-sensing regulator LuxR enable flexible control of gene activation and repression. Nucleic acids research, 49(6), 3274-3293. #Co-first author.

3.   Li, Y., Liu, B., & Reverter, D.* (2020), A Novel Regulatory Mechanism to Regulate the Deubiquitinating Activity of USP25 by Oligomerization. J Cell Signal 2020; 1(4): 151-154.

4.   Liu, B., Lois, L. M., & Reverter, D.* (2019). Structural insights into SUMO E1-E2 interactions in Arabidopsis uncovers a distinctive platform for securing SUMO conjugation specificity across evolution. Biochemical Journal, BCJ20190232.

5.   Liu, B., Sureda-Gómez, M., Zhen, Y., Amador, V. and Reverter, D.* (2018). A quaternary tetramer assembly inhibits the deubiquitinating activity of USP25. Nature Communications 9, 4973.

6.   Liu, B., Lois, L. M., & Reverter, D.* (2017). Structural analysis and evolution of specificity of the SUMO UFD E1-E2 interactions. Scientific reports, 7, 41998.

7.   Wei, L., Qiao, H., Liu, B., Yin, K., Liu, Q., Zhang, Y., ... & Wang, Q.* (2019). MarTrack: A versatile toolbox of mariner transposon derivatives used for functional genetic analysis of bacterial genomes. Microbiological research, 228, 126306.

8.   Yin, K., Guan, Y., Ma, R., Wei, L., Liu, B., Liu, X., ... & Wang, Q.* (2018). Critical role for a promoter discriminator in RpoS control of virulence in Edwardsiella piscicida. PLoS pathogens, 14(8), e1007272.

9.   Xiao, J., Chen, T., Liu, B., Yang, W., Wang, Q.*, Qu, J., & Zhang, Y. (2013). Edwardsiella tarda mutant disrupted in type III secretion system and chorismic acid synthesis and cured of a plasmid as a live attenuated vaccine in turbot. Fish & shellfish immunology, 35(3), 632-641.

10. Wang, Y., Wang, Q.*, Yang, W., Liu, B., & Zhang, Y. (2013). Functional characterization of Edwardsiella tarda twin-arginine translocation system and its potential use as biological containment in live attenuated vaccine of marine fish. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 97(8), 3545-3557.

11. Liang, S., Wu, H.*, Liu, B., Xiao, J., Wang, Q., & Zhang, Y. (2012). Immune response of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) to a broad spectrum vaccine candidate, recombinant glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase of Edwardsiella tarda. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 150(3-4), 198-205.

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